Book: Own It!
Poster: Accountability Credo
Book: Take The Lead
Speaking Engagements
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DISC Assessments

Research has consistently shown that behavioral characteristics can be grouped together into four quadrants or styles. People with similar styles tend to exhibit specific types of behavior common to that style. A person�s behavior is a necessary and integral part of who they are. The DISC assessment analyzes behavioral style; that is, a person's manner of doing things. Many professionals and organizations use the DISC assessment to:

  • Allow individuals to learn more about themselves so as to become their best selves
  • Help teams to reach new performance levels
  • Increase communication effectiveness
  • Foster robust relationships throughout the organization and with our customers and clients
  • Create workplace community
  • Become more successful in all aspects of work

Leta administers a constellation of DISC assessments aimed at meeting the specific needs of an organization. She also assists professionals in understanding and interpreting the assessment findings and applying the learning for self-discovery & growth through leadership coaching and facilitated learning programs.
















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